Thursday, August 19, 2010

Obama to the Republicans: You don't know how to drive!

Have you watched Obama's recent fund raising stump speeches? You should, because fixing the economy is as easy as getting a car out of a ditch. You can read some of what he says about the Republicans here:
So, is Obama correct or not?

First off, let’s start with the worst economy since the depression remark. Yes, Obama inherited an economy in shambles, correct me if I’m wrong, but I think he knew the score when he ran for President. So you knew the score going in, don’t try to confuse the issue.

Next, Obama cites reversing the recession as one of his main achievements. Has he reversed the recession? According to just about everyone, including most Economists, Republicans, Independents and Democrats that have stopped drinking Obama’s koolaide, we are likely headed for a double dip recession AND unemployment is up since he took office, not down. The first dip he can blame on Bush and the Republicans, but hasn’t the Democratic controlled Congress given him everything he has asked for?
Didn’t Obama’s team project that his stimulus plan that cost $862 Billion would create 3.5 million jobs and keep unemployment under 8%? Yes, they did and no it didn’t. Ok, now if you PROJECT something when you are trying to sell it, don’t you think the person buying your product, in this case John Q. Public, might think you are making a promise? Then again the bill was passed for $787 Billion and actually cost $95 billion more, was that a projection too? Despite all the spending, unemployment in the U.S. remains at 9.7%. While we are discussing projections, Obama’s team projected that WITHOUT the stimulus bill unemployment would have peaked at 9%. So, using Obama’s projections, we could have saved $862 billion and had a lower unemployment rate.

Next he touts Health Care Reform as an achievement; despite the fact nearly 60% of voters support its repeal.

During his speeches Obama said, “"They (Republicans) spent almost a decade driving the economy into a ditch," he said Tuesday, pausing several times as laughter erupted. "And so me and Patty (Murray), and a bunch of others, we go down there and we put on our boots and we're pushing and shoving. And it's muddy and there are bugs and we're sweating and shoving, pushing hard. The Republicans, meanwhile, are standing by "sipping Slurpees" and calling out "you're not pushing hard enough" and "that's not the right way to push," Obama continued, pretending to sip a Slurpee to laughter and applause.

"So finally, finally, Patty and I and everybody, we finally get the car up on level ground. We're about to go forward," Obama said. "And these guys come and tap us on the shoulder, and they say, 'We want the keys back.' "

He shouted over the roaring laughter to deliver his punch line: "You can't have the keys back! You don't know how to drive!"

While the Democrats are sweating and shoving and pushing hard, the rest of the country knows they are pushing a car that has settled to the bottom of the swamp the Democrats have created and the Republicans are standing around sipping on their slurpees laughing at the fools waste the biggest political opportunity of the last 30 years. The Republicans might not know how to drive a car, but the rest of us know if the car is sitting on the bottom of a swamp, it ain't going any where, no matter how hard you push.

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