Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Obama and the Islamic Center

Ok, been out of the game for a while. Unlike others who blog, I have a job, sometimes MORE than 40 hours a week, but that is life. Did a couple of vacations in there and a lot of overtime at work. Not a complaint, but I'm trying to do better.

Now down to the topic at hand.

Lets face if folks, Muslims have a RIGHT to build a mosque anywhere they can get the land if they comply with the laws; yes, even Ground Zero.

Had Obama said this and just shut his mouth, all would be good. The President supporting what is in the Constitution vs public opinion. But he couldn't, as soon as his handlers saw the negative press, they HAD to amend his comments about the "wisdom" to do build it. As everyone knows, (but no one was surprised), it backfired, and now Obama is incoherent. CNN's words, not mine. As the cute little boy in the commercial says, let me show my surprised face.

To Obama's communications team, take note: Old saying: A closed mouth gathers no feet. Learn it, live it.

To the dwindling number of Obama supporters out there: 1. See the paragraph above. 2. Stop shielding him, he is a big boy and is getting the lumps he justly deserves, just like the last verbal meltdown we had for a President.

Personally, you can't believe how much I am against the mosque, but I do support the RIGHT to build it. This is REALLY what the First Amendment says, and I quote, "Congress shall make no law respecting establishment of religion, or PROHIBITING THE FREE EXERCISE THEREOF". Nope, no separation of church and state, no prohibition of religious object in public place, but the RIGHT to worship as we please.

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